Conduct Policy

This site is provided by LBL ESD as a place for district and school staff to provide feedback for the technology services we provide. By registering and participating on this site, you agree to the following Code of Conduct.

Most people have a common sense feel for what is and what is not appropriate to post online. We do, however, need to have a Code of Conduct for everyone to refer to when the need arises.

We ask that you please:

  1. Be respectful of all users at all times. This means please use etiquette and politeness.
  2. Refrain from using abusive or harassing language in the topics you post and in replies.
  3. Report any reply (via the flag icon) if you you feel it’s inappropriate or that violates the Code of Conduct. While the administrators and moderators of this site will attempt to remove or edit any objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message in short order, so we appreciate your assistance. You can also email us to report a posted topic.

If a topic reply thread turns into an argument, it can be locked or removed without notice.

The webmaster, administrators and moderators of this site are charged with preserving the integrity of the content. Editing, deleting content and locking a reply thread against further entries may become necessary. If so it will be done at the discretion of the webmaster, administrators and moderators when they judge the site’s Code of Conduct has been violated.

This Code of Conduct will potentially change and evolve with constructive feedback from users and from experience.