Based on a problem-solving model, the MTSS approach considers environmental factors as they might apply to an individual student’s difficulty, and provides services/intervention as soon as the student demonstrates a need. Focused primarily on addressing academic problems, MTSS has emerged as the new way to think about both disability identification and early intervention assistance for the “most vulnerable, academically unresponsive children” in schools and school districts (Fuchs & Deshler, 2007, p. 131, emphasis added).
LBL ESD Support for MTSS / RtI Implementation
LBL ESD is a partner with Lane ESD to support districts in our four counties that have received the State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in collaboration with the Oregon Department of Education (ODE). We promote the use of comprehensive systems to gather data and provide interventions to support the whole child (academic, behavioral, social/emotional) and universally implemented to support all children.
If your district is interested in requesting training support for your building or district, please contact Sonya Hart, SEES Program Administrator.