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Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to identifying and supporting students with learning and behavior needs. At Linn Benton Lincoln ESD, our team guides districts through implementation of an effective RTI framework aimed at providing timely, targeted instruction and interventions.

The RTI Process

RTI systematically delivers research-based interventions through multiple tiers of increasing intensity based on student progress data. Key components include:

  • Universal Screening
  • High-Quality Tier 1 Instruction
  • Progress Monitoring
  • Data-Based Decision Making
  • Increasingly Intensive Tiers of Support

Partnership Support

As part of the State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) initiative through the Office of Special Education Programs and Oregon Department of Education, our team collaborates with Lane ESD to guide districts through all phases of MTSS/RTI adoption:

  • Building leadership teams and staff buy-in
  • Conducting needs assessments and infrastructure planning
  • Developing policies, data systems and accountability processes
  • Selecting and implementing evidence-based core curricula and intervention programs
  • Designing integrated multi-tiered academic and behavioral support plans
  • Providing professional development and coaching for sustained implementation

Ongoing Coaching

On-site coaching, modeling and feedback ensure RTI practices are implemented consistently and drive meaningful outcomes.

Whether establishing a new RTI process or revamping current efforts, our team offers the experience and resources to create a cohesive multi-tiered system of support. Contact us today to begin this collaborative journey.