Lebanon Community School District is seeking quotes for C1 switches to provide WAN connections for buildings to the main datacenter. Please see the RFP and submit quotes for the identified items or their equivalent. Please add a line item for engineering/configuration services (remote or in-person). The district will do the physical install. If available, please provide separate quotes for both new and refurbished options (Price quotes will be evaluated comparing new to new equipment and refurbished to refurbished equipment). Note: 3rd party transceivers preferred. Bid information and updates (including questions and answers) can be found at: https://tech.lebanon.k12.or.us/home/e-rate/e-rate-2023/2023-category-1 Please check this site regularly for any updates. BID SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Wednesday, January 18th, 2023


LCSD 2023 Category 1 Bid Items RFP Addendum 1