Question, Persuade, Refer

LBL ESD Family Support Liaisons are your local QPR instructors!

QPR is a nationally used, evidenced based training that assists people in learning how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis. QPR is an emergency mental health intervention designed for people who do not necessarily have mental health training. In fact, QPR is designed to help anyone learn how to offer hope and take action when they are concerned that someone may be at risk for suicide.

How long does the training take?

A QPR training takes approximately 2 hours. The curriculum was developed by the QPR institute and contains information on national and state suicide statistics, warning signs of suicide, how to implement the steps of QPR and role plays to practice skills.

Get Trained!

We can each play a role in suicide prevention. QPR meets the requirements for suicide prevention training for educators through HB1430 and SB240.

Contact Kristina Wonderly, Student & Family Support Interim Program Coordinator at